Is Someone Pitching A Student Loan Relief Plan To You? How To Spot A Scam And Avoid Getting Swindled
By Press Room
2 Mins read
When most college loan payments were scheduled to resume recently, scamsters jumped into the fray to take advantage of the confusion. There…
Student loan borrowers are encountering a wide array of problems as payments start up again after a three-and-a-half year pause. Billing mistakes,…
Why is flood insurance so expensive? Florida homeowners detail struggle with rising costs
By Press Room
4 Mins read
When Carlee Simon, 46, moved to Alaska from Florida for a new job in May, she was in for a pleasant surprise:…
6 daylight-saving time sleep hacks to feel refreshed after turning the clocks back
By Press Room
4 Mins read
U.S. daylight-saving time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 5, which means that we’ll be turning our clocks back one hour…
Like any common crime, online scams follow patterns. If you know how to protect yourself, you won’t be a victim. According to…
I’m 61, a librarian, single — and a ‘proud’ Democrat from Maine. Should I move to Florida like Jeff Bezos?
By Press Room
4 Mins read
I finally have something in common with Jeff Bezos. He is moving to Miami. I too am thinking of moving to Florida…
Should you get yourself an Apple Savings account? The answer to this question has changed since Apple first rolled out the high-yield…
Seattle will always have a piece of Jeff Bezos’s heart, according to the billionaire founder of Amazon. But Washington state’s tax coffers…
My ex-husband is suing for half of our children’s 529 plans — eight years after our divorce. Is he entitled to plunder these accounts?
By Press Room
3 Mins read
I opened 529 educational funds for each of our four children shortly after they were born. Only one person may be listed…
Biden administration memo details scope of errors borrowers faced as student-loan payments resumed
By Press Room
6 Mins read
Receiving bills saying they owed more than $10,000 per month; an average call wait time of 58 minutes; more than half of…